Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 569

Thomas Bele

, Beel or Beyll, was bred a Canon regular of the Order of S. Austen, and educated in Acad. learning among those of his Order, studying in S. Maries coll. in Oxon, of which he became Prior about 1508. Afterwards taking the degrees in divinity, he became Lord Prior of S. Mary Spytell without Bishopsgate in London, and at length Suffragan Bishop to Rich. Fitz-James B. of London, under the title of Episcop. Lydensis, which is under the Patriarch of Jerusalem. In that titular See succeeded one Joh. Holt, Clar. 1529. but whether educated in this University I cannot tell. He lived mostly in the Town of Bury S. Edmund in Suffolk, where dying about the 12. of Aug. 1540. was buried in the Church of our blessed Lady S. Mary there, in our Ladies Isle near to the head of John Holt Gent.