Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 467

Sebastian Benefeild

, was born at Prestbury in Glocestershire, admitted Scholar of C. C. coll. 30. Aug. 1586. aged 17. or thereabouts, and Probationer 16. Apr. 1590. Afterwards taking the degree of M. of A. he entred into sacred Orders, and became a frequent Preacher in these parts. In 1599. he was constituted Rhetorick Reader in his coll. and the year after was admitted to the reading of the sentences. In 1608. he proceeded in Divinity, and five years after was elected Margaret professor of the University. Which office he executing with commendation for about 14 years, resign’d it, and receeded to the Rectory of Meysey-Hampton near to Fairford in Glocestershire, which he had long before obtained by his predecessors guilt of Simony, where he spent the remaining part of his days (about 4 years) in great retiredness and devotion. He was a person for piety, strictness of life, and sincere conversation incomparable. He was also so noted an Humanitian, Disputant, and Theologist, and so well read in the Fathers and Schoolmen, that he had scarce his equal in the University. Some have blasted him (I know not upon what account) for a Schismatick, yet Dr. Ravis sometimes B. of London, and of honourable memory, approved him to be free from Schism, and much abounding in Science. The truth is he was a Sedentary man, and of great industry, and so consequently (as ’tis observed by some) morose, and of no good nature. Also, that he was accounted no mean Lover of the opinions of John Calvin, especially as to the points of predestination, which is the cause why one (a)(a) [〈…〉] Triumph of Truth, &c. part. 2. cap. 3. p. 62. calls him a downright and doctrinal Calvinist. His works are these.

Doctrinae Christianae Sex capita, totidem praelectionibus in Schola Theol. Oxon pro forma habitis, discussa & disceptata. Oxon. 1610. qu.

Appendix ad caput secundum de conciliis evangelicis, &c. adversus Humphredum Leech. Pr. with the former book.

Eight Sermons publickly preached in the University of Oxford, the second at S. Peters in the East, the rest at S. Maries Church. Began 1595. Dec. 14. Oxon. 1614. qu.

The sin against the Holy Ghost discovered; and other Christian Doctrines delivered; in 12 Sermons upon part of the 10 Chapt. of the Epist. to the Hebrews. Oxon. 1615. qu.

Commentary or Exposition upon the first chapter of Amos, delivered in 21 Sermons in the Par. Church of Meysey-Hampton in the Dioc. of Gloc. Oxon. 1613. qu. Translated into Lat. by Hen. Jackson of C. C. coll.—Openheim. 1615. oct.

Other Sermons, as (1.) The Christian Liberty, &c. on 1 Cor. 9. 19. Ox. 1613. oct. Printed with the Commentary in English beforementioned. It was preached at Wotton Vnderedge before the Clergy at an Episcopal Visitation. (2) Serm. at S. Maries in Oxon, 24 Mar. 1610. being K. James his Inauguration day, on Psal. 21. 6. Ox. 1611. qu. (3) The Haven of the afflicted, in the Cath. Ch. of Gloc. 10. Aug. 1613. on Amos 3. 6. Lond. 1620. qu.

Commentary or Exposition upon the 2 chap. of Amos, delivered in 21 Sermons in the par. ch. of Meysey-Hampton, &c. Lond. 1620. qu.

Praelectiones de perseverentiâ Sanctorum. Francof. 1618. oct.

Com. or Exposition on the third chap. of Amos. &c. Printed 1629. qu. He hath also a Latin Sermon extant, on Rev. 5. 10.. Printed in 1616. qu. which I have not yet seen. He took his last farewel of this World, in the Parsonage house at Meysey-Hampton before mention’d, about 24. Aug. in sixteen hundred and thirty, 1630 and was buried in the Chancel of the Church there, on the 29 of the same month. In the said Rectory succeeded his great admirer Hen. Jackson Bach. of Div. of C. C. coll. before mentioned, who being a writer also, must crave a place in the next volume.