Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 606
John Bennet
son of a Father of both his names, was born in S. Margarets Parish within the City of Westminster, elected from the Coll. School there, a Student of Ch. Ch. an. 1676, took one degree in Arts and wrot,
Constantius the Apostate: Being a short account of his life, and the sense of the primitive Christians about succession. Wherein is shewn the unlawfulness of excluding the next heir upon the account of Religion; and the necessity of Passive Obedience, as well to the unlawful oppressor as legal persecutor. Being a full answer to a late pamphlet entit. Julian the Apostate, &c. Lond. 1683. oct. Afterwards the author proceeded in Arts, studied Physick, and dying of a violent feaver on the 6. of Octob. in sixteen hundred eighty and six,1686. was buried on the south side of the body of the Cathedral of Christ Church in Oxford.