Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 279

John Bery

or Bury was born in Devonshire, admitted Scholar of C. C. Coll. 9. Feb. 1597, and in the year 1603, he being then Bach. of Arts, became tanquam socius of Balliol Coll. or the first Fellow that was put in there, to receive the benefaction of Peter Blundell, by the appointment of Sir John Popham L. Ch. Justice of the Kings bench. Afterwards he took the degree of Master, and retiring to his own Country, became Minister of Heavietree, Canon of Exeter and Rector of Widworthie. In Dec. 1643 were the Chancellors letters read in a Convocation of Doctors and Masters in the behalf of him the said Bury (then Bach. of Div. as in the said letters is expressed) that he might be actually created Doctor of that faculty, but he being then absent in the Kings service, he was to have that degree confer’d upon him, when he should desire it; but whether he did so, or was diplomated, it appears not in the registers. He hath written and published,

Several Sermons, as (1) The School of godly fear, an Assize Sermon at Exeter 20. March 1614 on 1. Pet. 1.17. Lond. 1615. qu. (2) The moderate Christian, preached at Exeter at a triennial visitation, on 1. Cor. 10. vers. ult. Lond. 1631. qu. &c.

Gods method for mans salvation: or, a guide to heaven, leading between errors on both hands, &c. Lond. 1661. in two sheets in oct. ’Tis a Catechisme for the use of his Parishioners at Widworthie. What else he hath published, I know not, nor any thing besides of him, only that he dying on the 5 day of July in sixteen hundred sixty and seven, aged 87 years, or thereabouts,1667. was buried in the Cathedral Church at Exeter, having been before a liberal Benefactor to the Work-house belonging to that City, as I have been informed by his Son Arthur.