Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 599
John Best
a Yorkshire man born, was originally of this University, and afterwards was dignified in the Church of Wells and elsewhere, but leaving all in the beginning of Q. Mary for Religion sake, lived obscurely, and as occasion serv’d. At length after Q. Elizab. came to the Crown, he being then Bach. of Divinity, was consecrated Bishop of Carlile (in the place of Owen Ogelthorp depriv’d) on the second of March, in fifteen hundred and sixty, aged 48 years: the temporalities whereof were given (b)(b) Pat. 3. Elizab. p. 9. to him by the Queen on the 18. of Apr. following, and in 1566. he was actually created Doct. of divinity. 1570 He ended his days on the 22. of May (c)(c) Fr. Godwin ut sup. inter Episc. Carleol. p. 153. in fifteen hundred and seventy, and was buried in the Cath. Ch. of Carlile. In 1533. one Joh. Best was admitted to inform in Grammar, as I shall further tell you in the Fasti under that year, and in 1558. one Joh. Best was elected into a Founders fellowship of Vniversity coll. from that of Lincolne. What relation this last had to the Bishop I know not, nor do I know yet to the contrary, but that Jo. Best the Grammarian, was afterwards the same who was Bishop.