Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 147
William Blandie
was born at Newbury in Berkshire, educated in Wyk [•] hams School near to Winchester, elected Probatione-Fellow of New Coll. in 1563, took one Degree in Arts three years after, and the same year was removed thence by the Bishop of Winton in his visitation of that Coll. but for what reason, unless for Popery, I cannot tell. About the same time he went to London, became Fellow of the Middle Temple, and afterwards translated from Lat. into English The five Books of Hicronimus Os [•] rius, containing a discourse of Civil and Christian Nobility. Clar. 1576. Lond. 1576. qu. What other things he hath translated, or whether he hath written of any Subject I cannot tell.