Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 565

Henry Bold

fourth Son of Will. Bold of Newstead in the Parish of Buriton in Hampshire, sometimes Capt. of a Foot company, descended from the antient and gentile family of the Bolds of Bold-hall in Lancashire, was born in Hampshire, elected Probationer-fellow of New Coll. from Winchester School, 1645 or thereabouts, ejected thence by the Parliamentarian Visitors in 1648, and afterwards going to the great City, became a member of the Examiners office in Chancery and excellent at translating the most difficult and crabbed english into latine verse. He hath written,

Poems Lyrique, Macaronique, Heroique, &c. Lond. 1664. oct. Ded. to Col. Hen. Wallop of Farley-Wallop in the County of Southampton; and to The ingenious he saith thus—If thou wilt read so; if not so: it is so, so, and so farewell—Thine upon liking H. B. Among these Poems is Scarronides; or Virgil Travestie, &c. He hath also written,

Latine Songs with their English: and Poems. Lond. 1685. oct. Collected and perfected by Capt. Will. Bold his Brother. This Hen. Bold died in Chancery-lane near Lincolns inn on the 23. of Oct. (being the first day of the Term) in sixteen hundred eighty and three, aged 56 or thereabouts,1683. and was buried in the Church at Twyford (West Twyford) near Acton in the County of Middlesex. I shall make mention of another H. Bold in the Fasti an. 1657.