Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 29

John Bourchier

Lord Berners, Son of Humph. Bourchier, eldest Son of Sir Joh. Bourchier Knight, Lord Berners of Hertfordshire, the fourth Son of William Earl of Ewe, by Anne his Wife, Daughter of Tho. de Wodestock Duke of Glocester, the sixth Son of K. Edw. 3. was instructed in several sorts of learning in this University in the latter end of K. Edw. 4; in whose Reign and before, were the Sons of divers of the English Nobility, educated in Academical literature in Balliol Coll. wherein, as ’tis probable, this our Author was instructed also. After he had left the University, he travelled into divers Countries, and returned a Master of several Languages and a compleat Gentleman. But that which made him first known to the World, was his valour shew’d in quelling the fury of the Rebels in Cornwall and Devon, under the conduct of Michael Joseph a Blacksmith, about 1495, whereby he greatly gained the favor of K. Hen. 7. In the 6. Hen. 8. he was made (*)(*) Baronage of England. Tom. 2. p. 133. a. Chancellor of the Kings Exchecquer for life, and about that time attended the Lady Mary, (the Kings Sister) into France, in order to her Marriage with K. Lewis 12. Afterwards being made Lieutenant of Calais, and the Marches adjoyning, in France, spent most of his time there, and wrot,

Of the duties of the Inhabitants of Calais.

Comedie called Ite in vineam meam. Usually acted in the great Church at Calais after vespers. He also translated into English (1) The life of Sir Arthur an Armorican Knight (2) The famous exploits of Hugh of Bordeaux. (3) The castle of Love, a Romance: And besides something of Marc. Aur. Ant. must not be forgotten that noted translation of his, which he performed at the command of K. Hen. 8. viz. The Chronicles of France and England, composed originally in the French Tongue by Sir Joh. Frossard Canon and Treasurer of Chinay, Clerk and Servant to K. Edw. 3. as also to Queen Philippa. These Chronicles have been more than once, if I mistake not, printed in English, in an English Letter, in fol. This worthy Lord Sir Joh. Bourchier died (a)(a) Bal. De Script. maj. Britan. cent. 9. nu. 1. at Calais beforemention’d 16 March in Fifteen hundred thirty and two,1532/33. aged 63 or thereabouts. Whereupon his body was buried in the Parish Church of our Lady there; where was, if not still, a comely Mon. over his Grave.