Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 185

Thomas Bourchier

was descended from those of his name who were Earls of Bathe, but in what County born, I cannot yet tell, received some parts of literature in this University, particularly, as I conceive, in Magd. Coll. yet took no Degree there, unless in the Reign of Edw. 6. when the common register of the University was in a manner totally neglected. Afterwards upon pretence of being weary of the heresie, as he call’d it, that in his time was practised in England, he went beyond the Seas, settled in Paris, took upon him then, if not before, the habit of St. Francis, and lived as a Brother in the house of that order there, where also others of his Country lived, and at length became Doctor of Divinity of the Sorbon, at which time he was held in great esteem for his Religion and learning. Afterwards going to Rome he lived among those of his order in the Monastery called by Latin Authors Ara coeli, and at length became Penitentiary to the Church of St. John Lateran there. He hath written.

Historia Ecclesiastica de Martyrio fratrum ordinis Minorum Divi Francisci de observantia, qui partim in Anglia sub Henrico 8, Rege, partim in Belgio sub Principe Auriaco, partim & in Hybernia tempore Elizabethae regnantis Reginae, passi sunt ab an. 1536. ad an. 1582. Par. 1582. and 1586. in oct. Ingolst. 1583. in tw. The names of those English Men that suffered Martyrdome in England, were Father Anton. Brorbe, or, as some call him, Brockby, Tho. Cortt, Thom. Belchiam and Father John Forest. All which were executed in 1537. and 38. What other things our Author Bourchier hath written, I cannot tell, nor any thing else of him, only, 1586 that he departed this mortal life (*)(*) Jo. Pitseus in lib. De illustr. Angl. script. aet. 16. num. 1036. about Fifteen hundred eighty and fix, and was buried either in the Church of St. John Lateran, or in that belonging to the Monastery called Ara coeli before-mention’d.