Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 374

Immanuel Bourne

a Ministers son, was born in Northamptonshire, 27. Dec. 1590, entred in Ch. Ch. an. 1607, but whether in the condition of a Student, Commoner or Servitour, I know not, and took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated not till 1616. About that time, he, by the favour of Dr. Will. Piers Canon of Ch. Ch. and Rector of S. Christophers Church near the Exchange in London, became preacher there, and was patronized in his studies and calling by Sir Sam. Tryon Kt. an Inhabitant in that parish. In 1622 he was made Parson of Ashhover in Derbyshire, which he kept several years, and was resorted to much by the puritanical party. At length when the rebellion broke forth in 1642, he sided with the Presbyterians, and being there-molested by the loyal party at Ashover and near it, he went to London, where he became preacher to the Congregation in S. Sepulchres Church, and was much admired by the Brethren. In the raign of Oliver, (about 1656), he, by the favour of those then in authority, became Rector of Waltham in Leycestershire, conformed at his Majesties restauration, and on the 12. of March 1669 was instituted and inducted into the Rectory of Ailston in the said County. This person who was well read in the Fathers and Schoolmen, hath written and published these things following.

Several Sermons as (1) The Rainbow, Sermon at Paules Cross 10. June 1617 on Gen. 9.13. Lond. 1617. qu. (2) The Godly mans guide, on Jam. 5.13. Lond. 1620. qu. (3) The true way of a Christian to the new Jerusalem: or, a threefold demonstration, &c. on 1 Cor. 5.17. Ibid. 1622 qu. (4.) Anatomy of Conscience, &c. Assize Serm. at Derby, on Rev. 20.11. Ibid. 1623. qu. &c.

A light from Christ, leading unto Christ, by the starr of his word. Or, a divine directory for self examination and preparation for the Lords Supper, &c. Lond. 1645. oct. In another edition or another title Pr. there in a thick oct. the said book hath this title, A light, &c. Or, the rich Jewel of Christian Divinity, &c. by way of Catechism or dialogue.

Defence of Scriptures, and the holy Spirit speaking in them, as the chief Judge of Controversies of faith, &c. Lond. 1656. qu.

Vindication of the honor done to the Magistrates, Ministe [] s and others—Printed with the Defence, &c. and both contained in a relation of a disputation at Chesterfield in Derbyshire, between some Ministers and James Nayler an erring Quaker. The said Defence and Vindication were both answer’d by George Fox a ringleader of Quakers, in his book entit. The great mysterie of the great whore unfolded, &c. Lond. 1659. fol. p. 127. &c.

Defence and justification of Ministers maintenance by tithes, and of Infant-baptisme, humane learning, and the Sword of the Magistrate, &c. in a reply to a paper sent by some Anabaptists to the said Im. Bourne. Lond. 1659. qu.

Animadversions upon Anth. Perisons (Parsons) Great case of tithes—Printed with the Defence and justification, &c.

A Gold chaine of directions with 20 gold linkes of love to preserve love firme between husband and wife, &c. Lond. 1669. in tw. dedicated to his Patron John Lord Roos. What other matters he hath written I know not, nor any thing else of him only that he dying on the 27. of Decemb. in sixteen hundred seventy and two,1672. was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Ailston before mentioned, and that soon after, was a little inscription put over his grave, wherein ’tis said that he died in the eighty second year of his age.