Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 418

Peter Bowne

, or Boun [••] u, as he is sometimes written, was a Bedfordshire man born, admitted Scholar of C. C. coll. in Apr. 1590. aged 15. of which he was afterwards Fellow, and M. of Arts. This person having a great Genie to the Faculty of Medicine, entred on the Physick line, practiced in these parts, and at length became Dr. of his Faculty. Afterwards he wrote,

Pseudo-Medicorum Anatomia. Clar: 1624. Lond. 1624. qu. At which time he practiced Physick in the great City, and was much in esteem for it in the latter end of King Jam. 1. and beginning of King Ch. 1. What other things he hath published, I know not, nor any thing of his last days.