Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 185

Thomas Brasbridge

, a Northamptonshire Man born, was elected Demie of Magd. Coll. by the endeavours of Peter Morwyng, an. 1553, aged 16, where after he had continued a sedulous Student for some years, was elected Probationer-Fellow of Allsouls College in 1558. Thence also he returned to Magd. Coll. of which he became Fellow in 1562, and soon after proceeding in Arts, applied his mind partly to Divinity and partly to Physick. In 1574 he supplicated to be admitted to the reading of the Sentences, but whether he was really admitted it appears not. The next year he resign’d his Fellowship, having a spiritual cure, or School, or both, conferr’d on him at, or near to, Banbury in Oxfordshire, where, as it seems, he practised Physick. His works are,

The poor Mans Jewell, viz. a Treatise of the pestilence. To which is annexed a Declaration of the virtues of the hearbes Carduus benedictus and Angelica, &c.—Lond. 1578. and 91. in oct.

Questiones in Officia M. T. Ciceronis, &c.Clar. 1586. &c. Oxon. 1615. oct Dedicated to Dr. Laur. Hamphrey President of Magd. Coll. an. 1586. What other things he published, I cannot yet tell, nor any thing of his latter end.