Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 682

Henry Bridgman

the third son of Dr. John Bridgman B. of Chester (who died an. 1652 aged 77 years) was born in Northamptonshire, entred a Communer of Oriel Coll. in the year 1629 aged 16 or thereabouts, elected Fellow of that of Brasnose, 6 Dec. 1633, he being then Bach. of Arts: Afterwards he was actually created Master of that faculty, and in 1639 he resign’d his Fellowship, being then, by the endeavours of his father, beneficed or dignified, or both. In the time of the Rebellion he did his Maj. faithful service, and therefore was a sharer in afflictions, as other Loyalists were, occasioned by the violent Proceedings of the Presbyterians. After his Majesties Restauration, he was elected Dean of Chester in July, in the place of Dr. Will. Nicolls, (who died in 1658) was actually created D. of D. in the beginning of Aug. following, and soon after installed in his Deanery, and on the 22 of Septemb. 1660 installed Preb. of Stillington in the Ch. of York, being about that time Parson of Bangor in Flintshire and of Barrow in Cheshire. At length upon the Translation of Dr. Is. Barrow to the See of S. Asaph, being nominated Bishop of the Isle of Man by the Earl of Derby, he was consecrated thereunto at Chester on Sunday the second of Octob. 1671, having had liberty before granted to him to keep his Deanery in commendam with it. What the merits of this person were, except his Loyalty and his benefaction to the Deans house at Chester, let others speak, while I tell you that he giving way to fate on the 15 of May in sixteen hundred eighty and two, (after he had had two Wives) was buried, as I suppose,1682. in the Cath. Ch. at Chester. Qu. In his Deanery succeeded James Arderne or Arden D. D, whom I shall mention in the Fasti, an. 1673; and in the See of Man succeeded Dr. John Lake, who, after nomination thereunto by William Earl of Derby, and the issuing out of a Commission for his consecration in the beginning of Decemb. 1682, was accordingly soon after consecrated. This person, who was born in Yorkshire, was educated in S. John’s Coll. in Cambridge, was afterwards Rector of S. Botolphs Church near Bishopsgate in London, instituted Rector of Prestwych in Cheshire 17 Octob. 1668, collated to the Prebendship of Friday Thorp in the Church of York upon the resignation of Hen. Bagshaw Bach. of Div, in Apr. 1670, was afterwards a Preacher in that City, and on the death of Dr. Rob. Feild he was installed Archdeacon of Clievland, 13. Oct. 1680. Before he had continued two years in the See of Man, he was, upon the death of Dr. Will. Goulson, elected Bishop of Bristow, to which he was translated in the Ch. of S. Mary le Bow in London, on the 12 of Aug, and on the first of Sept. following, an. 1684, he was installed by proxy, with leave then allow’d him to keep his Prebendary, &c. in commendam with it. See more of him in Guy Carleton, an. 1685.