Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 101
James Brokes
another most zealous Bishop for the Rom. Catholick cause, was born in Hampshire in the Month of May 1512, admitted Scholar of Corp. Chr. Coll. 1528, and Fellow in Jan. 1531, being then Bach. of Arts. Afterwards proceeding in his faculty, he applyed his studies to Divinity, took the degrees in that faculty, that of Doctor being compleated 1546. The next Year he was made Master of Balliol Coll. and at length by Qu. Mary Bishop of Glocester; to which See being elected after the deprivation of Joh. Hoper, had restitution (n)(n) P [•] t. 1. Reg. [〈◊〉] , p. 1. made to him of the Temporalities belonging thereunto, 8. May 1554, and in the Year following he was delegated by the Pope for the examining and trying of Cranmer, Rydley and Latimer, when they stood up for, and were ready to dye in defence of, the Protestant Religion. He was a Person very learned in the time he lived, an eloquent Preacher, and a zealous maintainer of the R. C. Religion, as well in his Sermons as Writings: Some of which are published, as,
Sermon at Pauls Cross in the first Year of Qu. Mary, on Matth. 9. 18. Lond. 1553. 54 oct.
Oration in S. Maries Church in Oxon, 12. March 1555, to Thom. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury—The beginning is, My Lord, at this present we are come to you as commissioners, &c.
Oration in closing up the examination of Th. Cranmer Archbishop of Cant.—The beg. is, Mr. Cranmer (I cannot otherwise, considering your obstinacy) I am right sorry, &c. These two Orations are printed by John Fox in his Book of Acts and Monuments of the Church, &c. (wherein you’ll find some of his discourses with Rydley) after they had been published by themselves. What else is extant under his name, I know not, nor anything of him besides, only that he dying in the beginning of Feb. (about Candlemass) in Fifteen hundred fifty and nine (which was the second year of Qu.1559-60. Elizabeth) was buried in a stone Coffin in his Cathedral Church at Glocester, but hath no memory over his Grave.