Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 580

George Browne

an Austin Frier of the convent of that order in London, was educated in Academicals among those of his order in Oxon. Afterwards growing eminent among them, was made Provincial of the said order in England, and about the same time supplicated the Regents of this University that he might be admitted to the reading of the sentences, in 1523; but whether he was really admitted, it appears not. Afterwards taking the degree of Doctor of divinity, in an University beyond the Seas, as it seems, was incorporated in the same degree at Oxon 1534. and soon after at Cambridge. On the 19. of March 1535. he was consecrated in England Archbishop of Dublin in Ireland, and in 1551. he obtained leave from K. Ed. 6. that he and his successors for ever in that See may be Primates of all Ireland, but recalled ()() Jac. Wac. ut supra. p. 120: soon after by Queen Mary, Clar. 1554. who in 1554. caused him to be deprived of his Archbishoprick for being married. What became of him afterwards I know not, nor when he died.