Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 13
Thomas Brynknell
, a Person of great Literature, and a most skilful interpreter of the sacred Writ, had most of his Education in Lincoln Coll. whence being taken to govern the Free-School joyning to that of S. Mary Magd. did exercise such an admirable way of teaching there, that many were by him fitted for the University. In 1507. he proceeded in Divinity, and being afterwards a commoner for some time of University Coll. became so much known to, and respected by, Cardinal Wolsey, (who if I mistake not conferr’d some dignity on him) that he was represented to the King as one of those most fit Persons in the University to encounter Mart. Luther. Whereupon in the Year 1521. he being then Reader of the Cardinals Divinity Lecture, which was by him founded in the University 3 or 4 Years before, he wrot a Learned piece, entit.
Tractatus contra doctrinam Martini Lutheri. Whether Printed I know not;Claruit 1521. sure I am, that ’tis commended for a good Book in one of our publick (f)(f) In Reg. Epistolarum FF. ep. 89. vide etiam in ep. 90. Registers. What other Books he wrot, I cannot tell, nor when he died, or where buried.