Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 382

John Budden

, Son of Joh. Budden of Canford in Dorsetshire, was born in that County, entred into Merton coll. in Mich. Term. 1582. aged 16. admitted Scholar of Trinity coll. 30. of May following, took the degree of Bach. of Arts, and soon after was translated to Glouc. hall, for the sake, and at the request, of Mr. Tho. Allen, where being mostly taken up with the study of the Civil Law, yet he took the degree of M. of Arts, as a Member thereof. At length he was made Philosophy Reader of Magd. coll. proceeded in the Civil Law 1602. made Principal of New Inn 1609. the Kings Professor of the Civil Law soon after, and Principal of Broadgates hall. He was a person of great Eloquence, an excellent Rhetorician, Philosopher, and a most noted Civilian. He hath written and published,

Gulielmi Patteni cui Waynfleti agnomen fuit, Wintoniensis Ecclesiae Praesulis, & coll. B. Mariae Magd. apud Oxon fundatoris, vita obitusque. Oxon. 1602. qu. Reprinted in a Book intit. Vitae selectorum aliquot virorum, &c. Lond. 1681. in a large qu. Published by Dr. Will, Bates a Cambridge Man, a learned and moderate Nonconformist, living then at Hackney near London, an eminent writer, and worthy of much praise.

Reverendiss. Patris ac Domini Johannis Mortoni Cantuariensis olim Archiep. Magni Angliae Cancellarii, trium Regum Consiliarii, vita obitusque. Lond. 1607. in 3 sh. in oct. He also translated from English into Latin, (1) Sir Tho. Bodley’s Statutes of the Publick Library, which is remitted into the body of the Statutes of the University. (2) Sir Tho. Smith’s book intit. The Commonwealth of England, and the manner and Government thereof, in 3 books. Printed at Lond. in oct. and beyond Sea in tw. Also from French into English, A discourse for Parents Honour and Authority over their Children. Lond. 1614. oct. written by Pet. Frodiu [] a renowned French Civilian. 1620 This Dr. Budden died in Broadgates hall, on the eleventh of June in sixteen hundred and twenty. From which place his body being carried to the Divinity School, Rich. Gardiner of Ch. Ch. the Deputy-Orator delivered an eloquent Speech in praise of him, before the Doctors, Masters and Scholars of the University. Which being done, the body was conveyed thence to St. Aldates Church near to the hall of Broadgates, and there in the Chancel was interred on the 14. of the same month. In the Professorship of the Civil Law succeeded Dr. Rich. Zouch, and in the Principality of Broadgates Dr. Tho. Clayton.