Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 657
Lancelot Bulkley
the eleventh Son of Sir Rich. Bulk. was born at Beaumarish in the Isle of Anglesie, entred a Communer of Brasn. Coll. in the beginning of 1587, aged 18 years, where continuing till he was Bach. of Arts, translated himself to S. Edm. Hall, and as a member thereof he took the degree of Master in the same faculty, an. 1593. Afterwards he went into Ireland, became Archdeacon of Dublin, Doctor of Divinity there, and at length Archb. of the said City; to which being consecrated in the Church of S. Peter at Tredagh, on the 3. of Oct. 1619, was soon after made by K. Jam. 1. Privy Counsellour of that Kingdom. He lived to be spectator of the miseries that befell that Realm, occasion’d by the rebellion that broke out in 1641, at which time securing himself in the City of Dublin, escaped the malice of the Rebels, and lived in a disconsolate condition several years after. At length arriving to 82 years of age, departed ((h))((h)) Ib. p. 121. this mortal life at Taulaughta, on the eighth day of Sept. in sixteen hundred and fifty:1650. whereupon his body being conveyed to Dublin, was buried in S. Patricks Church there. In his Archbishoprick succeeded Dr. Jam. Margetson sometimes of Peter House in Cambridge, in the latter end of 1660, after the said See had laid void 10 years.