Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 601
Nicolas Bullyngham
, was born in the City of Worcester, elected Fellow of Allsouls coll. in 1536. took one degree in the Laws, and some years after, viz. in 1549. (3. Edw. 6.) Sept. 2. was installed Archdeacon of Lincoln on the death of George Heneage, being about that time Vicar-general to the Bishop of that place. After Q. Mary came to the Crown, he absconded, and studied the Theological faculty, wherein he obtained a considerable knowledge, but when Q. Elizab. succeeded, he was made Doctor of his Faculty at Cambridge, was a Judge of Ecclesiastical matters in the Archb. Court of Canterbury, and at length was promoted to the Episcopal See of Lincoln. To which being elected after the deprivation of Dr. Tho. Watson, was consecrated thereunto 21. of Jan. 1559. and on the 18. of Apr. following the temporalities thereof were (*)(*) Pat. 2. Elizab. p. 11. restored to him. In 1566. he was incorporated Doctor, as he had stood at Cambridge, and in Jan. 1570. he was translated to Worcester on the death of Jam. Calfhill, (who was nominated by the Queen to succeed Edwin Sandys in the said See, but died before consecration,) where he continued much beloved to the time of his death. He departed this mortal life on the 18. of Apr. 1576 in fifteen hundred seventy and six, and was buried in a Chappel on the north side of the Choire belonging to the Cath. Ch. of Worcester. Over his grave was fastned a white marble table to the wall, with these rude and barbarous verses engraven thereon.
Nicolaus Episcopus Wigorn.
Here born, here Bishop, buried here,
A Bullyngham by name and stock,
A Man twice married in Gods fear,
Chief Pastor late of Lyncolne flock.
Whome Oxford trained up in youth,
Whome Cambridge Doctor did create,
A painful Preacher of the truth,
Who changed this life for happy fate.
18. Apr. 1576.