Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 89
Paul Bush
was born of honest and sufficient Parents, became a Student in this University about the Year 1513, and five years after took the Degree of Bach. of Arts, being then numbred among the celebrated Poets of the University. Afterwards he applied his mind to the supreme faculty, entred into the Order of the Bonhom’s, studied among the Fryers of the Order of St. Austin (now Wadham Coll.) in the North suburb of Oxon, and at length became Provincial of his Order, that is of Bonhoms. This Person being noted in his time for his great learning in Divinity and Physicks, was by K. Hen. 8. made the first Bishop of Bristow, after he had placed an Episcopal See there, an. 1542, and by the name and title of Paulus Bush capellan [•] s Regis & S. Theologiae Bacalaureus had restitution (s)(s) Pat. 34. Hen. 8. p. 2. made to him of the Temporalities belonging to that See, 16. June in the same Year. But he taking to him a Wife (whom one (t)(t) Jo. Pi [•] sens in lib De [〈◊〉] Angliae Scriptorib. aet. 16 num 997. calls a Concubine) in the days of K. Ed. 6. was depriv’d of his Bishoprick by Qu. Mary, an. 1553, whereupon he spent the remaining part of his days at Bristow. He hath written several things in Divinity and Medicine, as well in verse as prose, of which number these are some.
An exhortation to Margaret Burges, Wife to Jo. Burges Clothier of Kingswood in the County of Wilts. Lond. temp. Ed. 6. in oct.
Notes on the Psalm, beginning with Miserere mei Deus, &c.
Treatise in praise of the Cross.
Dialogues between Christ and the Virgin Mary.
Treatise of salves and curing remedies,—besides Poems of divers kinds, which I have not yet seen. At length taking his last farewell of this World on the eleventh of Octob. 1558 in Fifteen hundred fifty and eight, aged 68 years, was buried on the North side of the choire (near to the entrance leading into the North Isle) of the Cath. Church at Bristow. Over his grave was soon after erected a low altar tomb, and on it was fastned his statue in his Episcopal Robes lying on his back. On the 4 corners of the Tomb, were erected four small Pillars, bearing a Canopy; about which is this written. Hic jacet D. Paulus Bush primus hujus Ecclesiae Episcopus, qui obut undec. die Octob. an. Dom. 1558. aetatisque suae 68 cujus animae propitietur Christus. About the tomb, beneath the statue, are certain verses engraven on three sides thereof, (the fourth joyning to the Wall) some of which follow.
Agnus qui primam nostrum sua tempora miram
Indueret, jacet hic Bristoliense decus.
A patre Bush dictus, Paulum baptisma vocavit,
Virtus implevit nomen uterque Pari.
Paulus, &c.
Ille animos verbis, impensos pavit egenos, Hinc fructum arbusto portulit ille suo.
Ut madidos, arbusta tegunt, sic foedere rupto Inter discordes pacificator erat.
This Monument was erected near to the stone, under which his sometimes Wife called Edyth Ashley was buried, who died 8. Oct. 1553.