Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 588
Seth Bushell
son of Adam Bushell, was born at Kuerdin in the Parish of Leyland near Preston in Amoundernes in Lancashire, became a Commoner of S. Maries Hall in 1639, continued there till about the time that the Univ. and City of Oxon, were garrison’d for the King, and then retired to his own Country. In 1654 he returned for a time, and took both the degrees in Arts in that year, being then, as it seems, Minister of VVhitley in Yorks; and in 1665 he took the degree of Bach. of Div. at which time he was Minister of Euxton in his own County. Afterwards proceeding in that faculty, he became Vicar of Preston, and in the three last years of his life Vicar of Lancaster, where he finished his course. He hath published,
Several Sermons as (1) A warning piece for the unruly, in two Serm. on 1. Thes. 5.14. at the metrapolitical Visitation of the most rev. Fath. in God Richard L. Archb. of York, held at Preston in Lanc. and there preached. Lond. 1673. qu. (2) The Believers groan for Heaven, preached at the funeral of the right honorable Sir R. Houghton of Houghton Baronet, at Preston in Amoundernes, on 2. Cor. 5.2. Lond. 1678. qu. And another preached on the 25. day of the first month an. 1658. which George Fox Quaker, answers in his book entit. The great mystery of the great whore unfolded, &c. Lond. 1659. fol.
Cosmo-meros, The worldly portion: or the best portion of the wicked, and their misery in the enjoyment of it opened and applied. Lond. 1682 in tw. It is the substance of several Sermons, under some abridgments, on Luke 16.25.
Directions and helps in order to a heavenly and better portion, enforc’d with many useful and divine considerations—Printed with Cosmo-meros, &c.1684. At length giving up the Ghost at Lancaster in sixteen hundred eighty and four, was buried in the Church there, and soon after had this Epitaph put over his grave. P. S. Exuvias en hic deposuit Seth Bushell, SS. Th. Pr. Deo & Ecclesiae Anglicanae reformatae usquam devotissimus, utrique Carolo angugustissimis temporibus piè fidelissimus, familiae suae, quibusꝫ notus fuerat meritò charissimus: postquam hanc suam ecclesiam vitâ inculpabili & assiduis concionibus per triennium faeliciter rexisset, quo tempore (inter alia pietatis specimina) Parochi domum modò corruituram & instauravit & auxit. Immortalitati verò natus, coel [•] ꝫ maturus, spe resurrectionis terris valedixit, anno salutis 1684, aetatis 63. die Novemb. sexto.