Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 273

Walter Bushnell

Son of Will. Bushn. of Corsham in Wilts. became a Batler of Magd. Hall in Mich. term 1628, aged 19 years, took the degrees in Arts, and afterwards was made Vicar of Box near Malmsbury in his own Country, where continuing in good esteem in the greatest part of the interrupted times, was at length ejected from his living in the Reign of Oliver: whereupon he wrot,

A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Commissioners appointed by Oliver Cromwell, for ejecting scandalous and ignorant Ministers, in the case of Walt. Bushnell Clerk, Vicar of Box in the County of Wilts.—Which book being not permitted to be published, after he had made it fit for the Press, was, at his Majesties return, printed at Lond. in oct. an. 1660. About which time the Author being restored to his living, continued there to the time of his death; which hapning in the beginning of the year sixteen hundred sixty and seven,1667. was buried in the Church at Box, having then laying by him, one or more things fit to be printed, as I have been informed by some of the neighbourhood.