Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 232

Nathaniel Canon

a Gentlemans Son, was born at Reading in Berks, entred a Commoner of S. Maries Hall in 1597 aged 16 years, (his Father then living in London) took one degree in Arts, entred into the sacred function, became Minister of Wokingham or Okingham, and afterwards Vicar of Hurley, in his own Country, being then, or about that time, Bach. of Divinity. He hath published,

Several Sermons as (1) The Cryer; Sermon at Pauls cross 5. of Feb. 1609, on Esay 58.1. Lond. 1613. qu. (2) Three Sermons, the first Discovering a double and false heart, on 1. Kings 21.9. The second called The blessedsedness of the righteous, on Psal. 37. ver. 37. and the third, The Court of Guard, or Watch of Angels, on 1. Sam. 17.17.37. Lond. 1616. oct. Besides these he hath at least four more Sermons extant, the first of which is on Psal. 119.136.—Printed 1616. oct. another on 1. Pet. 4.4.—Pr. 1619. oct. &c. He concluded his last day at Hurley before mentioned, after he had ran with, and submitted to, all mutations, in the month of Febr. in sixteen hundred sixty and four;1664/5. whereupon his body was buried in the Chancel belonging to the Church there on the 12 day of the same month. He was 46 years Vicar of Hurley, was a constant Preacher and much followed by the neighbourhood.