Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 483
Richard Carew
, the Son of Tho. Carew by Elizab. Edgcombe his Wife, was born of an ancient and gentile Family at East Anthony in the East parts of Cornwall, an. 1555. became a Gent. Com. of Ch. Ch. very young, but had his Chamber in Broadgates hall, much about the time that his Kinsman George Carew (afterwards E. of Totness) and Will, Camden studied there. At 14 years of age he disputed ex tempore with the matchless Philip Sidney, (while he was a young Man, I suppose,) in the presence of the Earls of Leicester, Warwick, and other Nobility, at what time they were lodged in Ch. Ch. to receive entertainment from the Muses. After he had spent 3 years in Oxon, he retired to the Middle Temple, where he spent 3 years more, and then was sent with his Unkle in his Embassage unto the King of Poland; whom, when he came to Danizig, he found that he had been newly gone from thence into Sweden, whither also he went after him. After his return, and a short stay made in England, he was sent by his Father into France with Sir Hen. Nevill, who was then Embassadour Leiger unto K. Hen. 4. that he might learn the French tongue, which by reading and talking he overcame in three quarters of an year. Some time after his return he married Juliana Arundell of Trerice, an. 1577. was made Justice of the Peace 1581. High-Sheriff of Cornwall 1586. and about that time was the Kings Deputy for the Militia. In 1598. he was elected a Member of the Coll. of Antiquaries, and about that time he made an historical survey of his native County, which was afterwards printed, he being then accounted a religious and ingenious Man, learned, eloquent, liberal, stout, honest, and well skill’d in several Languages, as also among his Neighbours the greatest Husband, and most excellent manager of Bees in Cornwall. He was intimate with the most noted Scholars of his time, particularly with Sir Hen, Spelman, who, in an Epistle (a)(a) In his Apol. of the Treatise De non temerandis Ecclesiis, &c. Lond. 1646. qu. to him concerning tithes, doth not a little extol him for his ingenuity, vertue, and learning. Palmam igitur cedo (saith he) & quod Graeci olim in Cariâ sua gente, admirati sunt, nos in Cariâ nostra gente agnoscimus, ingenium splendidum, bellarumque intentionum faecundissimum, &c. Further also for the book he wrote and published, intit.
The Survey of Cornwall, &c. Lond. 1602. qu. the learned Camden is pleased to honour (b)(b) In Britannia, in the latter end of his discourse of Cornwall. him with this character,— Sed haec, &c. But more plainly and fully, instructed are we in these points, by Rich. Carew of Anthony, a Gentleman innobled no less in regard of his parentage and descent, than for his vertue and learning; who hath published and perfected the description of this County (Cornwall) more at large, and not in a slight and mean manner, whom I must needs acknowledge to have given me much light herein. Our author Carew hath also written,
The true and ready way to learn the Lat. tongue; in answer to a Quere, whether the ordinary way by teaching Latin by the rules of Grammar, be the best way for youths to learn it?—This is involved in a book published by a Dutch-man called Sam. Hartlib. Esq intit. The true and ready way to learn the Lat. tongue, &c. Lond. 1654. qu. Our author Carew translated also from Italian into the English tongue, The examination of Mens Witts. In which, by discovering the variety of Natures, is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. Lond. 1594. and 1604. qu. written by Joh. Huarte. But this translation, as I have been informed by some persons, was mostly, if not all, performed by Tho. Carew his Father; yet Richard’s name is set to it. He died on the sixth day of Nov. in sixteen hundred and twenty, 1620 and was buried in the Church of East-Anthony among his Ancestors. Shortly after he had a splendid Monument set over his grave, with an inscription thereon, written in the Latin tongue; which being too large for this place, I shall now omit, as also the Epigram made on him by his (c)(c) Carol. Fitzgeffry Cornub. in Affaniis, lib. 3. Countryman, and another by a (d)(d) Joh. Dunbar Megolo-Britannus in Epigrammatib. suis, edit. in oct. apud L [•] nd. 1616. cent. 6. num. 51. Scot. Which last stiles our author Carew another Livie, another Maro, another Papinian, and highly extolls him for his great skill in History, and knowledge in the Laws. Besides the Rich, Carew, was another, but later in time, author of Excellent helps by a warming-stone. Printed 1652. qu.