Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 283
Thomas Carew
descended from an ancient and gentile Family of his name living in Devonshire and Cornwall was educated for a time, either in Broadgates hall, or Exeter coll. but took no degree here: Afterwards taking upon him the Sacred Function, became a Minister of God’s Word, a frequent Preacher, and a publisher of,
Several Sermons, as (1) Serm. on Psal. 90. 12. (2) Serm. on S. Jo. 3. 3. called Necessity of Mans renovation. (3) Serm. on 1 Tim. 3. 16. (4) On 1 Pet. 3. 3. 4 (5) On Jam. 5. from ver. 1. to 5. Which five Sermons were published in oct. an. 1603.
Four godly Sermons, viz. (1) Against Popery, or false Religion, on Matth. 16. 18. 19. (2) Against Atheism, the Enemy to Religion, on Psal. 53. 1. (3) Against Hypocrisie, the counterfeit of Religion, Clar. 1605. on Matth. 7. 5. (4) Against Apostasie, the falling from Religion, on Matth. 12. 31. 32. Which four Sermons were published at Lond. in oct. an. 1605. and dedicated by the author to Sir George Carew Baron of Clopton, Lord President of Mounster, Vice-Chamberlain and Receiver-general to the Queen’s Majesty, and Lievtenant of the Ordinance.