Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 625
Robert Cary
son of George Cary of Cockington in Devonshire Gent, was born there, adm. to the Communers table in Exeter Coll. 4 Oct. 1631, aged 16 years, where continuing till Oct. 1634, was then adm. scholar of Corp. Ch. Coll, and in the year after took the degree of Bach. of Arts; but whether he was ever Fellow of the said house, I know not. In 1638 he was licensed to proceed in Arts, and in Nov. 1644, he, as a Kinsman to Will. Marquess of Hertford, Chanc. of the Univ. of Oxon, was actually created Doctor of the Civ. Law by vertue of his letters then read in Convocation. Afterwards he became Rector of East Portlemouth near Kingsbridge in Devonshire, and Archdeacon of Exe [•] er, being then accounted very learned in curious and critical learning. He hath written,
Palaeologia chronica: A chronological account of antient time, in three parts, 1. Didacticall. 2. Apodeicticall. 3. Canonicall. Lond. 1677. fol. A large account of which is in the Philosophical Transactions, numb. 132. pag. 808.809, &c. What other things he hath written I know not, nor any thing else of him, only that he dying at East Portlemouth before mentioned in sixteen hundred eighty and eight,1688. was buried on the nineteenth day of Septemb. the same year in the Church there.