Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 648

John Cave

son of Joh. Cave Impropriator and Vicar of Great Milton in Oxfordshire was born at Stoke-Line near Bister in the same County, educated in the Free School at Thame, became Demy of Magd. Coll. an. 1654, and on the 24. Sept. 1660, he being then Bach. of Arts, was elected Fellow of that of Lincoln: At which time conforming himself to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, notwithstanding he had been disciplin’d under Presbyterians and Independents, he afterwards took the degree of Master and entred into holy Orders. Afterwards he was made Rector of Cold Overton commonly call’d Coleorton in Leicestershire, and Chaplain to Dr. Crew when he was made Bishop of Durham. Which Doctor bestowing on him the Church of Gateside near Newcastle upon Tyne, he afterwards changed it with Rich. Werge for Nailston in Leicestershire: which with Coleorton and a Prebendship of Durham (which he also obtained by the favour of the said Bishop) he kept to his dying day. He hath published

Several Sermons as (1) A Serm. preached at the Assizes in Leicester, 31. Jul. 1679. on Micah. 4.5. Lond. 1679. qu. (2) Serm. to a country audience on the late day of Fasting and Prayer, Jan. 30. on Tim. 1.2. ver. 1.2. Lond. 1679. qu. (3) The Gospell preached to the Romans, in four Sermons, of which two were preached on the 5. of Nov. and two on the 30. of Jan; all on Rom. 1.15. Lond. 1681. oct. (4) The duty and benefit of submission to the will of God in afflictions, two Serm. on Heb. 12.9. Lond. 1682. qu. (5) King Davids Deliverance and Thanksgiving; applyed to the case of our King and Nation; in two Sermons, the one preached on the second, the other on the ninth, of Sept. 1683, the first on Psal. 18.48. the second on Psal. 18.49. Lond. 1684. qu. (5) Christian tranquility: Or the Government of the passion of joy and grief, Serm. upon the occasion of the much lamented death of that hopeful young Gent. Mr. Franc. Wollatson (Wollaston) an only son and heir to a very fair estate, preached at Shenton in Leycestersh. Lond. 1685. qu. This Mr. Cave died in the beginning of Oct. in sixteen hundred and ninety,1690. aged 52 years or thereabouts, and was buried in the Church at Coleorton before mention’d. In his Prebendship succeeded Sam. Eyre D. D. of Lincolne Coll.