Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 223

Barthelmew Chamberlaine

was born of, and descended from an ancient and gentile Family in Oxfordshire, admitted Scholar of Trinity Col. 7. June 1563. aged 17 years, Probationer in 67, and Fellow the year after. About that time entring into Holy Orders, he became a noted Preacher in these parts, took both the Degrees in Divinity, that of Doctor being compleated 579. before which time he was beneficed and dignified in the Church, but where, I cannot justly say. He hath written and published.

Several Sermons, as, (1) The Passion of Christ, and benefits thereby, on Heb. 9. 28. Lond. 1581. and 1613. oct. (2) Concio ad Academicos Oxomienses in Comitiis, An. 1576. Lond. 1584. qu. (3) Sermon at Pauls, on Amos 3. 6. Lond. 1589. oct. (4) Sermon at Farington in Berks, Clar. 1591. on—Lond. 1571. oct. with others, which I have not yet seen. Between the time of the first coming of the said Barth. Chamberlain to Trinity College, to the year 1578. I find seven of his Sirname to be Students in the said College, and some after; but cannot in all my searches find out George Chamberlaine, who was afterwards Bishop of Ypre, and whether he ever abode in this University in the condition of a Student, I cannot justly say it. The said George Chamberlaine was the eldest Son of George Chamberlaine Es (by his Wife, the Daughter of Moses Pring of Gaunt in Flanders) and he the second Son of Sir Leonard Chamberlaine of Oxfordshire Knight, Governor of the Isle of Guernsey, who dyed there 2. Eliz. From which Sir Leonard are the Chamberlains of Sherburn in the said County desended; the Heiress general of which Family, named Elizabeth, was married to John Nevile, Baron of Abergavenny. The said George Chamberlatine who was Bishop of Ypre, was born at Gaunt before-mentioned, An. 1576. and being bred up ro Learning and Religion, became successively Canon, Archdeacon, and Dean of St. Bavon in Gaunt, and at length, in 1626. was made Bishop of Ypre within the Province of Machlin in Brabant, on the Death of Antonius de Hennin; where being settled he became much admired (as he was partly before) for his great Piety, for his voluble Preaching in five Languages at least, and beloved of Kings and Princes, &c. Had I time, and room allowed, I would give you a Copy of an Epitaph made on, by one that knew and much admired, him; wherein, no doubt, but that high character of his Piety, Learning, and Worth, is justly said; but I must hasten, and tell you that he dying, to the reluctancy of all that knew him, on the 19. Dec. according to the account followed at Ypre, in 1634. aged 58 years, one month, and 19 days, was buried in his own Cathedral. Some years before his Death he came into England, purposely to resign up his Heirship of his Estate at Sherburn before-mentioned, and elsewhere, which belonged to the noble Family of the Chamberlains, sometimes Barons of Tanquervil in Normandy, he being the first and true Heir: And this he did for Religion sake, and purposely to avoid the incumbrances of earthly things. See more of him in Athenae Belgicae, &c. written by Franc. Sweertius, printed at Antwerp, 1628. where you will find several things that he had written and published.