Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 544
Robert Chamberlaine
, Son of Rich. Chamb. of Standish in Larcash. Gent was born there, or at least in that County, and from being Clerk to Pet. Ball Esq; Solicitor General to the Queen, had his Poetical Genie so far incouraged by that generous person, that he sent him to Exeter coll. to compleat it with Academical learning, in the beginning of the year 1637. aged 30 years. What stay he made there, or whether he was honoured with a degree, it appears not. Sure it is, that he having about that time composed several poetical, and other, things, had them viewed by the ingenious men of that house, and published under these titles.
Nocturnal Lucubrations; or meditations divine and moral. Lond. 1638. in tw. To which are added,
Epigrams and Epitaphs.—The former he dedicated to his honoured Master Peter Ball before-mentioned, and the other to Will. Ball his Son and Heir. He hath also written,
The swaggering Damsel, a Comedy. Lond. 1640. qu.
Sicelides,Clar. 1640. a Pastoral.—When printed, I cannot tell, for I do not remember I ever saw it. In 1631. was published in qu. a book intit. Sicelides, a piscatory, several times acted in Kings coll. in Cambr. and therefore, I presume, ’twas made by one of that house. This Rob. Chamberlaine lived many years after, but when he died, I cannot justly tell. One Rob. Chamberlaine proceeded Master of Arts, as a Member of Pemb. coll. but he being the Son of Dr. Pet. Chamberlaine a Physician, must not be taken (as some of this University have done) to be the same with the Poet before-mentioned. Will. Chamberlaine of Shaftsbury in Dorsetshire hath written Love’s Victory, Trag. Com. Lond. 1658. qu. and Pharonida, an heroick Poem. Lond. 1659. oct. but whether he was ever an Oxford Student, I am hitherto ignorant.