Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 529
Edward Chetwynd
, the fourth Son of Jo. Chetwynd Esabque; was born of an ancient and gentile Family living at Ingestrie near to, and in the County of, Stafford, about the year 1577. admitted Sojournour of Exeter coll. in 1592. took the degrees in Arts, holy Orders, and became a frequent Preacher in, and near to, Oxon. In 1606. he was elected by the Mayor and Corporation of Abendon in Berks their Lecturer, being then Bac. of Divinity, and in the year following upon the desire of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of Bristow, he was sent by Dr. Hen. Airay Vicechancellour of the University, and Dr. Jo. Rainolds of C. C. C. to that City; where being kindly receiv’d, he was established their Publick Lecturer on the 2. June the same year, to preach one Sermon every Sunday in the afternoon in any Church of that City that the Mayor for the time being should appoint, and one Sermon every Holyday, as he should think fit. In 1613. he was sworn Chaplain to Q. Anne, in 1616. he was admitted D. of D. and in the year after, upon the death of Dr. Sim. Robson, he was promoted by K. James 1. to the Deanery of Bristow, to that Cities great satisfaction, being elected thereunto 16. June the same year. So that whereas he was a little before presented to the rich Rectory of Sutton-Colfield in Warwickshire, (twice t [•] e value of his Deanry,) he thereupon gave it up, purposely because he would live among, and so consequently please, the inhabitants of Bristow. In that Rectory succeeded an eminent Scholar named Joh. Burgess M. of A. and Doct. of Physick, whose memory is fresh in those parts among the Godly. What other preserments Chetwynd had besides the Vicaridge of Banwell in Somersetsh, and the Vicaridge of Barcley in Glouc. (on the houses belonging to which Vicardiges he bestowed above 300 l.) I know not. He hath published,
Concio ad clerum pro gradu habita Oxoniae, 19. Dec. 1607. in Act. 20. 24. Oxom. 1608. in oct.
Several English Sermons, as (1) The straight and narrow way to life, in certain Sermons on Luke 13. 23. 24. Lond. 1612. oct. (2) Vow of tears for the loss of Prince Henry. Serm. at Bristow on Sam. 5. 15, 16. Lond. 1613. oct. (3) Serm. on Psal. 51. 10. Lond. 1610. besides others, as ’tis probable, which I have not yet seen. He departed this life on the 13.1639: May in sixteen hundred thirty and nine, and was buried in the Choire of the Cath. Ch. of Bristow, near the Communion Table, and the grave of Helena his sometimes Wife, Daughter of Sir Joh. Harrington the eminent Poet of Kelston in Somersetsh. Kt; which Helena died in Childbed 9. Nov. 1628. aged 39. The Reader may be pleased now to take notice that this Dr. Edward Chetwynd, with John (†)(†) Dr. Joh. Whetcombe Maidennutensium Pastor. He died suddenly in the house of Angel Grey Esabque; of Kingston near Dorchester in Dorsetshire, before the year 1648. aged 60. Whetcombe, Joh. Standard, &c. Divines and Doctors of Divinity; Sir Sim. Baskervile Knight, and Rob. Vilvaine Doctors of Physick, were the learned persons of Exeter college, which Dr. Joh. Prideaux in an Epistle before a Sermon preached at the consecration of the Chappel in that Coll. an. 1624. did enumerate, as being then living, and ornaments of the said house. See more in Thom. Holland under the year 1611.