Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 574

William Clarke

son of George Clarke, by his wife the sister of Will. Prynne Esq, was born at Swainswyke near Bathe in Somersetshire, became a Communer of Oriel Coll, an. 1657, aged 17 years or thereabouts, took one degree in Arts 1661, and on the 30 of Mar. 1663 was made Fellow of his House. About that time applying his mind solely to the study of Physick, left his Fellowship three years after, retired to his native Country, and practised it in the City of Bathe, where I saw him in 1678, and his book intit.

The natural history of Niter: or, a philosophical discourse of the nature, generation, place and artificial extraction of Niter, &c. Lond. 1670. oct. Translated into Lat. and printed beyond the Seas, after a full account of it had been made publick in the Philosophical Transactions, numb. 61. p. 2008. Afterwards the Author retired to Stepney near London in Middlesex, where he practised his faculty with good success, and dying on the 24 of Apr. in sixteen hundred eighty and four,1684. was buried in the Church there on the 27 of the same month. He was usually called there Dr. Clarke; but whether he ever took that degree elsewhere, I cannot tell. I am sure he was only Bach. of Arts of this University.