Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 138
John Clement
had his original education in this University, but in what house, it appears no more, than the place where he was born, which is altogether, as yet, unknown to me. Afterwards being acquainted with Sir. Tho. More for the pregnant parts that were visible in him, was by him appointed to be tutor to his Children, and afterwards to Margaret his Daughter. About the Year 1519 he settled in Corp. Ch. Coll. being about that time constituted (n)(n) Vide Hist. & Antiq. Vniv. Oxon. lib 2 p. 36 [〈◊〉] . by Card. Wolsey his Rhetorick reader in the University, and afterwards that of Greek; both which he performed with great applause to the benefit of the Academians. In the Reign of K. Ed. 6. he being then one of the Coll. of Physicians at London, he left his native Country for Religion sake, and then, if I mistake not, he took the Degree of Doctor of Physick beyond the Seas. Afterwards, returning in the time of Qu. Mary, he practised his faculty with good success in Essex near London, but when Qu. Elizab. came to the Crown, and a reformation of Religion followed, he left England once more, and spent the remainder of his days beyond the Seas. He hath written,
Epigrammatum & aliorum carminum, lib. 1. And did translate from Gr. into Lat (1) The Epistles of Greg. Nazian. (2) The Homelies of Nicephorus Calixtus of the Greek Saints. (3) The Epistles of Pope Celestin the first, to Cyrill Bishop of Alexandria, besides other matters which I have not yet seen. He died at Mechlin in Brahant (the place wherein he had lived several years, and had practised his faculty) on the first day of July in Fifteen hundred seventy and two, 1572 and was (o)(o) [〈◊〉] De illustr. Angl. Script. at 16 nu. 1018. buried near to the tabernacle in St. Rumbolds Church there, and close to the grave of his sometimes beloved Wife Margaret, who died 6. July 1570, I mean that Margaret, on whose Marriage with Jo. Clement, the Antiquarian (p)(p) [〈◊〉] Leland ut sup. in Encom. Troph. Epithalamus. &c. p. 38. Poet hath bestowed a Song.