Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 10
George Cogley
another Irish Man, but later in time than the former, did spend some time in the study of the Civil Law among the Oxonians, and after his return to his own Country, became a Publick Notary, and Registrary to the Bishops Court at Meath; where having opportunity, time, and place to peruse the Registers of that Church, wrote and commended to Posterity,
Catalogus Episcoporum Midensium, MS. Sometimes in the Library of Sir James Ware, Knight. This Catalogue commences with Simon Rochfort, (or de Rupe forti) who was the first of English Men that obtained the Bishoprick of Meath, in 1194. or thereabouts, and reaches down to Hugh Ynge, who became Bishop in 1511. A Copy of this Cataloge,Clar. 1518. if not the Original, was sometimes in the hands of the famous Dr. Usher, Bishop of the said place, who communicated it to Sir James Ware, when he was composing his two Books De Script Hibern.