Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 412
Gilbert Coles
Son of Edm. Coles of Winchester, Priest, was born at Burfield in Berks, educated in Grammar learning in Wykehams School near Winchester, admitted perpetual Fellow of New Coll, after he had served two years of probation, an. 1637, took the degrees in Arts, and in 1648, or thereabouts, became Fellow of the Coll. near Winchester, but soon after was ejected by the Visitors appointed by Parliament. Afterwards he was elected Fellow again by the Society of New Coll, for the great respect they had for him, he being about that time Rector of East-Meon in Hampshire, and accounted by many a learned man. Afterwards he became Rector of Easton near Winchester, Doct. of Divinity, and Rector of Ash in Surrey. He hath written,
Theophilus and Orthodoxus: or, several conferences between two friends; the one a true son of the Church of England, the other faln off to the Church of Rome. Ox. 1674. qu. He died in sixteen hundred seventy and six,1676. and was buried in the Church of Easton before mentioned. Over his grave, his widow soon after caused a stone to be laid, with this Inscription thereon, Gilb. Coles S. T. P. hujus ecclesiae Rector, Coll Winton. Socius. Obiit 19 Junii 1676, anno aetatis suae 59, Moerens conjux posuit hoc.