Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 115

Isaac Colf

a Kentish man born of gentile Extraction, was educated in Ch. Ch. and as a Member thereof took the Degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated an. 1611. Afterwards entring into the sacred function he became at length Rector of S. Leonards Church in Eastcheap within the City of London, where he was much reverenced by the Orthodox Party for his Religion and Learning. In the beginning of the Civil Wars, commenc’d by the Presb. he was forced by them to give up his rectory to one H. Roborough scribe to the Ass. of Divines. Whereupon retiring to Chaldwell in Essex, the liberal man devised liberal things, viz. an Almeshouse for poor People at Lewsham in Kent, with a considerable maintenance. He hath written,

Commentary on the eleven first verses of the fourth Chapt. of S. Mathew. Lond. 1654 oct. and other things which I have not seen. When, Clar. 1654. or where he died I cannot tell, or where his reliques were lodg’d.