Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 227
Isaac Colfe
, fourth Son of Amandus Colfe alias Coult of Callis in France, and of the City of Canterbury in England, was born in Kent, particulary, as I suppose, in the said City, become a Commoner of Broadgates Hall in the beginning of the year 1576. took the Degrees in Arts, Holy Orders, and was afterwards beneficed, if not dignified, in his own Country. His Works are,
Sermon 17. Nov. 1587. on Psal. 118. 22. to the end of 26. Lond. in oct.
A Comfortable Treatise of the Temptation of Christ. Lond. 1592.Clar. 1592. in oct. with other things, as ’tis probable, which I have not yet seen. His eldest Brother Rich. Colfe was born at Callis. educated in Ch. Ch. in this University, and was afterwards Doctor of Divinity, as I shall elsewhere tell you. He left behind him several Sons, among whom were Isaac of Ch. Ch. and Jacob of All Souls Col.