Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 404

John Combach

(Combadius) was born in Wetteraw a part of Germany, educated in the Academy of Marpurg within the dominion of the Lantgrave of Hesse, retired to Oxon to compleat that learning which he had begun in his own Country, about 1608, and the next year I find him a [••] journour of Exeter college, where he was then noted to be a very good Philosophical Disputant, and a great admirer of Holland and Prideaux, especially the l [] st. After he had laid the foundation of one or more books there, he retired to [〈◊〉] of which, being M. of A. he became Ordinary Professor of Philosophy thereof, and much fam’d for the books that he published in that Faculty. Among which are some of these following.

Antidotum oppositum M. Joh. H [] sselbeinio, in quo epriscae Philosophiae & Sch [] asticorum d [] tri [••] , 1 F [] rr [] rum divisio cruitur. 2. Propri [] rum communicatio destruitur, &c. Marpurg. Cattorum 1608. oct.

Antidoti lib. 2. circa [〈◊〉] partium integrantium. Marp. Cat. 1608. oct.

Metaphysicorum lib. singu [•••] . Marp. C [] t. 1613. 20. oct. &c. Dedicated, by the fast Epistle before it, to the Vichancellour, Heads of Colleges and Halls in Oxon, and the rest of [〈…〉] the [] e. The 2 Epist. is written to his [〈…〉] Rector. of Exeter coll.

Liber de homine [〈…〉]

[〈1 paragraph〉]

Physicorum libri iv. juxta [〈…〉] Marp. 1620. oct.

Actus solennis promotionis xiii. [〈…〉] bitae in Acad. Marpurge [] s [] &c. [〈…〉] things, as ’tis probable, he hath [〈…〉]

have not yet seen. While he studied in Exeter college (where he contracted friendship with Will. Helme the Subrector, a man of rare piety, and with G. Hakewell R. Vilvaine and others) studied also one of his Countrymen, a quick Disputant, who writes himself Henr. Petreus, afterwards a learned man, Doctor of Philosophy and Physick and Dean of the faculty of Philosophy at Marpurg for a time, about 1613.