Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 582
George Cootes
, Cotes or Cotys, so many ways I find him written, (whom some call John, but false) was elected Probationer Fellow of Balliol coll. in 1522. being then Bach. of Arts. Afterwards he was made Fellow of Magd. coll. but when, it appears not, because the register of that time belonging to the said house, noted with the letter B. hath been time out of mind lost. In 1526. he proceeded in Arts, was afterwards one of the Proctors of the University, Doctor of Divinity, and in 1539. was elected Master of Balliol coll. In the beginning of 1554. being then elected to the Episcopal See of Chester, (of which Church he had been several years Prebendary) by the name of Mr. George Cotes S. Th. Prof. had restitution made (i)(i) Pat. 1. Mar. p. 1. to him of the temporalities belonging thereunto by Qu. Mary on the 18. of Apr. in the same year, he keeping then with that See the moity of the Church of Cotgrave. He gave way to fate about the beginning of Dec. (as it seems) in fifteen hundred fifty and five: 1555 whereupon one Thomas Milner was instituted in the said moity on the 18. of Dec. the same year, and Cuthb. Scot. D. of D. of Cambridge was much about that time nominated to succeed him in the See of Chester: the temporalities of which, were (k)(k) Pat. 3. & 4. Phil & Mar. p. 1. given to him 25. of Sept. 1556.