Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 299
Jeremy Corderoy
, a Gentlemans son of Wiltshire, of the same family with those of Chute in that County, became a Commoner of S. Albans-hall, in 1577. or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, studied Divinity many years, and being a frequent preacher in Oxon, was made one of the Chaplains of Merton coll. in 1590, at which time, and during his stay in Oxon, (which was at least 13 years after) his life and conversation was without exception. He hath written,
A short dialogue, wherein is proved, that no man can be saved without good works, Oxon. 1604. in tw. sec. edit. The dialogue is between a Gallant and a Scholar. He wrote another book also, intit.
A warning for worldlings, or a comfort to the godly and a terror to the wicked, in a dialogue between a Scholar and Traveller.Clar. 1608. Lond. 1608. in tw. At which time tho the author was a deserving person, yet he was not preferr’d to a living, and whether he was afterwards, (he being scrupulous of taking one) I know not, nor of any other books that he hath published.