Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 619

Henry Cotton

a younger Son of Sir Ric. Cotton Kt. one of the Privy Council to K. Ed. 6. was born in Hampshire, educated in the Free school at Guildford, became a commoner of Magd. coll. in 1566. or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1571, holy Orders, and about that time a Wife; by whom afterwards he had (b)(b) Sir Joh. Harrington in his Brief view of the state of the Ch. of England, p. 96. nineteen children. In 1586. he being then Prebendary of Winchester and well beneficed, supplicated to be admitted to the reading of the sentences, but whether he was really admitted, it appears not. On the 12. of Nov. 1598. he was (c)(c) Godwin, int. ep. Salisb. consecrated B. of Salisbury, and in the year following was actually created Doct. of div. by certain Doctors deputed for that purpose, who went to him, then (I think) at Salisbury. He was Godson to Q. Eliz. while she was Lady Eliz. who, as ’tis (d)(d) By Sir Jo. Harr. ut sup. p. 93. alias 95. reported, usually said that she had blest many of her Godsons, but now this Godson should bless her. He gave way to fate on the seventh day of May in sixteen hundred and fifteen, 1625 and was buried in the Cath. Church of Salisbury, near to the body of his sometimes Wife. In the said See succeeded Dr. Rob. Abbot, whom I have mention’d before among the writers, under the year 1617.