Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 561

Edmund Courcy

, was descended from the noble family of the Courcyes of the Province of Mounster in Ireland, and when young became a Brother of the Franciscan Order, in his own Country. Afterwards going into England, studied the Theological faculty (of which he was in few years after Doctor) among those of his Order in Oxon. At length being made Bishop of Clogher in his own Country, in 1484. was translated thence to Ross, on the sixth of the Cal. of Octob. 1494. He gave way to fate in a good old age, in the Monastery of his Order at Temolage, in the County of Cork, on the 14. of March, in fiveteen hundred and eighteen, 1518 and was buried there. He is said by a certain (*)(*) [〈…〉] Author to be much valued for his Fidelity by K. Hen. 7. and that he was the first of the English Nation that obtained the Episcopal See of Clogher.