Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 265

George Cranmer

, a Gent. sometimes of singular hopes, eldest Son of Tho. Cranmer, Son of Edm. Cranmer Archdeacon of Canterbury, (who died in the beginning of 1571.) Brother to Tho. Archb. of that place, was born in Kent, admitted Scholar of C. Ch. Coll. 10. Jan. 1577. aged 13. or thereabouts, and was then, or soon after, put under the tuition of the famous Mr. Rich. Hooker, who found him afterwards very useful to him when he was compiling the books of Ecclesiastical Policy. In 1583. he was admitted Probationer-Fellow of that house, and six years after was licensed to proceed in Arts. About which time he betook himself to the service of Will. Davison Esq; one of the Secretaries of State: After whose removal he went in place of Secretary with Sir Hen. Killegrew in his Embassage into France, and after his death he accompanied that worthy and learned Gent. Sir Edwyn Sandys in his travels into France, Germany, Italy, and other parts, for the space of three years. After his return he was sought out by the most Noble Charles Blount, Lord Mountjoy, with whom he went into Ireland in the quality of Secretary, where he remained until his unfortunate Death. He hath written,

Letter to Mr. Richard Hooker concerning the new Church discipline, Feb. 1598. Lond. 1641. 42. qu. Remitted into the Life of R. Hooker, written by Is. Walton.—Lond. 1670. p. 123. Our author Cranmer hath written other things, as I have heard Mr. Walton say, but are kept private to the great prejudice of the publick. He was slain in a Battle near Carlingford in Ireland, between the English and the Rebels there, on the 13. of Nov. in sixteen hundred, 1600 as it is attested by (r)(r) In A [••] al. Reg. Elizab. sub an. 1600. Camden, speaking of the said Battle, thus—Cecidit tamen ex Anglis, praeter alios, Cranmerus Prorege ab Epistolis, vir eruditissimus, & ipsi eo nomine longè charissimus. I find another George Cranmer, who was born at Wingham in Kent, admitted perpetual Fellow of New coll. in 1559. and died in 1563. but he hath written nothing.