Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 551

David Creagh

, was born in the County of Limerick in Ireland, studied several years among his Country men the Civil and Canon Law, of which facul [] ies he became at length Bachelaur. Afterwards retiring to his native Country, became, thro several preferments, Archb. of Cashills, 1503: an. 1483, where sitting about 20. years died 5. Sept. in fifteen hundred and three. Of the great injuries done to him by Gerald Fits Gerald Earl of Kildare, L. Deputy of Ireland (of which Creagh complained to K. Hen. 7. by the advice of Sir Jam. de Ormond Knight) the Histories (k)(k) Vide Jac. [〈◊〉] [] in com. de [〈…〉] 1665. p. 171. of that Country will tell you.