Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 218
William Creed
Son of Joh. Creed, wan born in the Parish of S. Laurence within the borough of Reading in Berks, elected Scholar of S. Johns Coll. in 1631 age 16 years or thereabouts, made the Senior Quadragesimal Collector when Bach. of Arts, being then Fellow of that College. Afterwards he proceeded in his faculty, entred into the sacred function, and became an eloquent Preacher. In the beginning of the rebellion he adheer’d to the cause of his Majesty, and in 1644 he was elected to, and executed the procuratorial office of this University. Two years after he was actually created Bach. of Div. for the Sermons he had preached at Oxon before the King and Parliament, and in the time of Usurpation he became Rector of East-Codeford or Codeford S. Marie in Wiltshire. In the month of June 1660, (his Majesty K. Ch. 2. being then restored) he was made the Kings Professor of Div. in this University, in the beginning of July following Archdeacon of Wilts, in the place of Tho. Leach some years before deceased, and on the 13 of Sept. the same year Prebendary of Lyme and Halstock in the Church of Salisbury. He was a defender of the Church of England in the worst of times, was a good Schoolman, Divine and a noted Disputant. He hath written,
The Refuter refuted: or Dr. Hen. Hammonds 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 defended against the impertinent cavils of Mr. Hen. Jeanes. Lond. 1659-60. qu.
Several Sermons, as (1) Judah’s purging of the melting pot; an Assize Sermon at Salisbury on Isay 1.25.26. Lond. 1660. qu. (2) Judah’s return to their Allegiance, &c. on 2. Sam. 19.14.15. Lond. 1660. qu. &c. He gave way to fate in his lodgings at Ch. Ch. in Oxon (of which Ch. he was Canon as being Reg. Prof. of Div.) on the 19 of July in sixteen hundred sixty and three,1663. and was buried with solemnity in the next North Isle joyning to the choire of the said Cathedral, near to the reliques of Democritus Junior, being then accompanied to his grave by all the Degrees of the University. See his Epitaph in Hist. & Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 287. a. In his Archdeaconry of Wilts. succeeded Thom. Henchman very nearly related (if not Son) to Dr. Henchman Bishop of Sarum, in the beginning of Aug. the same year, and in his Professorship of Divinity Dr. Rich. Allestrie Canon of Ch. Ch.