Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 634
Metrophanes Critopylus
, a Greecian born, came into England to be instructed in the doctrine and discipline of the Church, and in order thereunto to learn the Latin and the English tongues. To these ends he addressed himself to Dr. Abbot Archb. of Canterbury, who sent him forthwith to Baliol college, where he had for his interpreter the noted Grecian Mr. Edw. Sylvester, and continued there till the time of his departure from England, which was about 1622. at which time he was Chancellour to the Patriarch of Constantinople. After his return to his own Country, he became Patriarch of Alexandria in the place of Cyrill Lucaris translated to Constantinople, and wrote, as some (†)(†) See more in Ballio-Fergus written by Hen. Savage, printed at Oxon. 1668. p. 119. suppose, The Confession of Faith, which went under the name of Cyrill Patriarch of Constantinople, published in the Greek tongue 1629. Which Confession was, with a censure upon it, printed at Rome 1632. the title of which, rendred into English is this, The condemnation of the confession of the Calvinists, as it was set forth in the name of Cyrill Patriarch of Constantinople. With this condemnation and confession is printed an answer to the Anathematisms of Cyrill Patriarch of Alexandria, Predecessor to Critopylus; wherein the said Anathematisms are acknowledged to be genuine, tho they decry the said Confession as spurious. This Critopylus was in great renown in his own Country in sixteen hundred and forty,Clar. 1640. but when he died I cannot yet find.