Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 190
Robert Crowley
, or Croleus as he writes himself, a very forward Man for reformation in the time of K. Ed. 6. and Qu. Elizab. was (a)(a) Reg. 3. electionum soc. C. Magd. an. 1542. born in Glocestershire, became a Student in the University about 1534, and was soon after made Demie of Magd. Coll. [••] 1542, he being then Bach. of Arts, was made Probationer-fellow of the said House by the name of Rob. Crule, but whether he took the Degree of Master of Arts it appears not; for likely it is, that he left the University when K. Hen. 8. began to settle a mongrel Religion in the Nation. When K. Ed. 6. began to Reign, he exercised the profession of Printing in Ely rents in Holbourn near to London, sold books, and at leisure times exercised the gift of Preaching in the great City and elsewhere: But upon the succession of Queen Mary, he, among several English Protestants, lest the Kingdom, went to Frankfort in Germany and setled there purposely to enjoy the Religion which had been practised in England in the days of K. Ed. 6. After her decease he returned, and had several benefices bestowed on him, among which was the Vicaridge of St. Giles by Criplegate in London, (of which Church he wrot himself Vicar 1566.) where continuing his pretended gifts in preaching, was followed and respected by the neighbourhood of those parts, and by others for his skill in rimes and poetry. He hath written,
The Supper of the Lord after the true meaning of the sixth of John, and the XI of the 1 Epist to the Corinthians, &c. And incidently in the exposition of the Supper, is confuted the Letter of Mr. Tho. More against Joh. Frith—Printed 5. Apr. 1533 in a small oct.
Confutation of Nich. Shaxton Bishop of Sarum, his recantation of 13 Articles, at the burning of Mistris Anne Askew. Lond. 1546. (oct.)
Explicatio petitoria (ad Parliamentum) adversus expilatores plebis.—Printed in the Engl. tongue 1548 in oct. Translated into Lat. by John Heron.
Confutation of Miles Hoggard’s wicked ballad made in defence of transubstantation of the Sacrament. Lond. 1548. oct.
The voice of the last Trumpet blown by the seventh Angell, &c, containing 12 several lessons. Lond. 1549. oct. Written in meter.
Pleasure and pain, heaven and hell. Remember these four and all shall be well. Lond. 1550 51. in oct. Written in meter.
Way to wealth, wherein is plainly taught a most present remedy for sedition. Lond. 1550. oct.
One and thirty Epigrams, wherein are briefly touched so many abuses, that may, and ought to, be put away. Lond. 1550. in tw. This was printed by the Author (Crowley) in his house in Ely rents before-mention’d.
An apologie of those English Preachers and Writers, which Cerberus the three-headed dog of hell, chargeth with false doctrine under the name of Predestination. Lond. 1566. qu. Of which book you may see more in Canterburies doome, written by Will. Prynne, p. 169.
Of the signes and tokens of the latter day. Lond. 1567. oct.
A setting open of the subtile sophistry of Tho. Watson D. D. which he used in his two Sermons preached before Qu. May in Lent 1553 concerning the real presence in the Sacrament. Lond. 1569. qu.
Sermon in the Chappell at Gilde hall in London 29. Sept. 1574. before the Lord Mayor and the whole state of the Citie, on Psalme 139. ver. 21. 22. 23. 24. &c. Lond. 1575. oct.
Answer to Tho. Pound his six reasons, wherein he sheweth that the Scriptures must be judged by the Church. Lond. 1581. qu.
Brief discourse concerning those four usual notes whereby Christs Catholick Church is known, &c. Lond. 1581. qu.
Replication to that lewd answer which Frier Joh. Francis (of the Minimies order in Nigeon near Paris) hath made to a letter that his Mother caused to be sent to him out of England. Lond. 1586. qu.
Deliberate aunsweare to a Papist, proving that Papists are Antichristian Schismaticks, and that religious Protestants are indeed right Catholicks. Lond. 1587. qu.
The Schoole of vertue and book of good nurture, teaching Children and Youths their duties. Lond. 1588. oct. &c. This book is composed in Engl. meter, hath at the end of it certain prayers and graces, and is at this day commonly sold at the stalls of Ballad singers.
Dialogue between Lent and Libertie, wherein is declared that Lent is a meer invention of Man. Lond. in oct. He also translated into English the Psalter of David; The Letany with Hymnes, and turned into meter Davids Psalmes. All printed in the time of Ed. 6. in qu. an. 1549. &c. He also first of all published The Visions of Pierce Plowman. Lond. 1550. qu. Which hath since, been once or twice made extant with corrections. At length this most zealous Person having lived to a fair age, mostly spent in continual action for the settlement and propagation of the Protestant Religion, submitted to the stroke of death in Fifteen hundred eighty and eight, 1588 and was buried in the Chancel of the Church dedicated to St. Giles, situated and being near to Cripplegate in Lond. Over his grave was soon after a monumental stone laid, with this inscription engraven on a brass plate fastned thereunto. Here lyeth the body of Robert Crowley Clerk, late Vicar of this Parish, who departed this life the 18 day of June, an. dom. 1588.