Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 175

Thomas Culpeper

or Colepeper, was born of a gentile Family at Harietsham in Kent, became a Communer of Hart Hall in 1591, aged 13 years, departed thence without a degree, went to the Inns of Court, and afterwards to his Patrimony; which is all I know of him, only that first he received the honour of Knighthood from K. Jam. 1. on the 23 of Sept. 1619, secondly that he wrot,

A Tract against the high rate of Usury, presented to the Parliament in 1623—printed several times, (the fourth Edit. of which came out at Lond. 1668, prefac’d with a discourse by his son Sir Tho. Culpeper) and thirdly that dying at Hollingbourne in Kent in sixteen hundred sixty and one,1661/2. was buried in an Isle joyning to the Church there, on the 25 of January the same year, leaving then behind him the character of a good man. There is a stone over his grave, but hath no Inscription on it.