Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 588

John Dale

son of Anth. Dale of Gilfield in Yorkshire, was born there, or in that County, became a Student in Qu. Coll. an. 1634 aged 15 years, or thereabouts, where continuing till he was Bach. of Arts, was elected into a Yorkshire Fellowship of Magd. Coll. In 1648 he submitted to the authority of the Visitors appointed by Parliament, and in the year after he became Bach of Divinity and kept pace with the men then and afterwards in power, that is with Presbyterians and Independents. About the time of his Majesties restauration he was presented by the President and Fellows of his Coll. to the rectory of Stanlake in Oxfordshire, and soon after, upon an exchange for another in Yorkshire, was inducted into the rectory of Longworth in Berks, (near Stanlake) but deprived of it soon after for Simony. He hath written and published.

The Analysis of all the Epistles of the New Testament, &c. Oxon. 1652. oct, and had written another book, as I have heard, fit for the press, but was never printed. He died at Stanlake before mention’d, on the 14 day of Nov. in sixteen hundred eighty and four,1684. and was 3 days after buried in the Chancel of the Church there. Soon after the Pres. and Fell. of the said Coll. presented to the said rectory of Stanlake one of their society named Thomas Smith D. D, who keeping it not long surrendred it up to the College.