Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 605

Richard Davyes

, sometimes a Student, as it seems, of New Inn. was consecrated Bishop of St. Asaph in the place of Goldwell before-mentioned, 21. Jan. 1559. aged 50 years, was translated thence to S. Davids, in which See he was confirm’d 21. May 1561. and died in fifteen hundred eighty and one; 1581 under which year you may see more of him among the writers. In the See of St. Asaph succeeded Thomas Davyes a Doctor of divinity of Cambridge; who, being rich, left much money for pious uses, and setled a Scholarship in Queens coll. in the said University. He gave way to fate about the Feast of S. Michael 1573. and was buried either in the Church at Abergwilly, or in the Church of Llanpedery Kenuen. In the See of St. Davids succeeded the said Rich. Davyes Dr. Marmaduke Middleton, as I shall tell you under the year 1592.