Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 98
Lancelot Dawes
was born at Barton-Kirk in Westmorland, became a Student in Queens Coll. in the beginning of the year 1597, aged 17, and two years after being made a poor serving child, was, when Bach. of Arts standing, made Tabarder, and in the year 1605 M. of Arts and Fellow. While he continued there, he became, by a studious retiredness, and a severe discipline, a singular Ornament of that House. But being thence called to the pastoral charge of that place, which first welcom’d him into the world, he was quickly taken notice of, as worthy of a more eminent station in the Church, that is a Prebendship in the Cath. Church of Carlile; to which he was accordingly prefer’d to the general liking of all the knowing and pious Divines in his Diocess, with whom, for a comprehensive and orthodox judgment, adorned with all variety of learning, he was ever held in great estimation. About that time he was made Doctor of Div. of the University of S. Andrew in Scotland and Rector of Ashby in his own County. His works are these.
Sermons preached upon several occasions. Lond. 1653. qu. divided into two parts. The first containeth six Sermons under this general title, Gods mercies and Jerusalems miseries The first is on Jer. 5.1. &c. In this first part are contained Two Sermons preached at the Assize holden at Carlile, touching sundry corruptions of these times. Oxon. 1614. oct. The first is on Math. 26.15. the other on Psal. 82.6.7. The second part containeth six more Sermons under this tit. The healing of the plague of the heart. The first is on Luke 12.32. &c. Before this last part Tho. Tully M. A. of Queens Coll. hath an Epist. to the Reader in commendation of them. This Dr. Dawes who had submitted to the men in Authority during the time of Rebellion, died in the month of Febr. as it seems, in sixteen hundred fifty and three, and was buried under the Communion Table in the Chancel belonging to the Church at Barton Kirk before mentioned.1653/4. Over his grave was afterwards a plain stone laid, with an Inscription thereon, wherein ’tis said that he was Pastor of the said Church 48 years, and that he died in March 1654. Which last is false, for in the Will Office near S. Pauls Cathedral I find that Letters of Administration were issued out to William his Brother, dated the eleventh of March 1653, whereby he was impower’d to administer the Goods, Debts, Chattels of him the said Lanc. Dawes lately deceased. Besides his Epitaph were made three copies of Verses, viz. one in Greek by the said Tho. Tully, another in Lat. and the third in English by Joseph Williamson and Clem. Ellis Bachelaurs of Arts of Qu. Coll. All which being fairly transcrib’d, were put in a frame and fastned to the Wall over the grave of the Defunct; near whom, was his son of both his names buried 18 May 1655.